Install missing Android API Level in Unity

Valéry Raulet
2 min readJun 6, 2023
Photo by Austris Augusts on Unsplash

When you want to target older or newer API levels, Unity does not always automatically installs the Android SDK for you. And you may encounter the following error:

Failed to install the following Android SDK packages as some licences have not
been accepted.
platforms;android-33 Android SDK Platform 33
To build this project, accept the SDK license agreements and install the
missing components using the Android Studio SDK Manager.
Alternatively, to transfer the license agreements from one workstation to
another, see

However, it is a very simple process once you know how to do it…

Unity requesting to install an Android SDK

First, navigate to Edit > Preferences… then select the External Tools section. In there, click on the Copy Path link for the Android SDK Tools option:

Preferences — Android SDK Tools location

If you navigate to this folder then enter in the platforms folder, you will find all the SDKs currently installed:

Currently installed Android SDKs

To install a missing platform, open a command line and type the following:

rem Change directory to the Android SDK Tools path you copied:
cd G:\Software\UnityEditors\2022.3.0f1\Editor\Data\PlaybackEngines\AndroidPlayer\SDK

rem Install the SDK (here, version 27):
cmdline-tools\6.0\bin\sdkmanager.bat "platforms;android-27"

Your paths may differ depending on the version of the Unity Editor you are using. But the second command line is where the magic happens, it will automatically download and install the SDK you specified!




Valéry Raulet

I have been interested in business and technology since I was about 10. My interest spans across so many fields but I hope you’ll find my writing useful!